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The bride and bridegroom answer the questions separately. p& N. and N., have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage? % Yes, I have. % Yes I have. p& Will you love and honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives? % Yes, I will. % Yes, I will. p& Will you accept children lovingly from God, and bring them up according to the law of GIF89aɻxxxkkk]]]PPPCCC555((( d`LH00`Hذ̘`H0|pdXL@`0H `H0`dHL`H0xp`XH@0d LȰ``HH00dLؘȀ`H0xp`XH@d0L `H0d`LH`H0|pdXL@0`$H`dHL00`HذȘdL0xp`XH@0` HdH0ȳ``HHdL0xp`XH@`0H Ը̰ĠऀؘpȈXxHp@h@d8`8X0xT0pH dxddxd`d`p`|``x`p``x`!, H*\ȰÇ#JHŋ3jȱǏ CIɓ(S\ɲ˗0cʜI͛8sɳϟ@ JѣH*]ʴӧPJJ՗*@+׫D*vlٱfz%KͶlnڵn˷߿ LÈ+^qVh΍5-Zrݲx5lU@' yi|sU:<UQ,hܡt9'|H>s.gHeW\5 +YHDb'3 899kJ eʇLN($,\H2hL6pc;`a``a`0x  L X dpx\82007D 7 26| | $ 10:13:35t7, 0, 4, 325 WINWindows_XP@@a0"@D/@WMhSA޾˯m}cYA"sZAZ[&V[xQJɦDT\GT :o%/Ћ;yN:5 @tZ'ÀwwW6da->M;eX~_a 0|,S~g@W~ "y`Z s0g}'͢#vs7Section0dK "kDZ)%?WL;&`GƉ? ~\,1 a>l<Bw~ {V MW+J1e=H3y[%J8oI(Tij5m}Rcz`L=7+z%ݴCrm4&b43ev[j[E[G싥._mKGef7t/dgLv31sGDK8*p8UdYN,U 0IOaFҵJ~sV4}kNOu(zD{xHїAߢȶ![԰z[tlQ#ߢFdu! 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Christ abundantly blesses this love. He has already consecrated you in baptism and now he enriches and strengthens you by a special sacrament in mutual and lasting fidelity. And so, in the presence of the Church, I ask you to state your intentions. Questions The priest then asks them the following questions. The bride and bridegroom answer the questions separately. p& N. and N., have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage? % Yes, I have. % Yes, I have. p& Will you love and honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives? % Yes, I will. % Yes, I will. p& Will you accept children lovingly from God, and bring them up according to the law ofGIF89aɻxxxkkk]]]PPPCCC555((( d`LH00`Hذ̘`H0|pdXL@`0H `H0`dHL`H0xp`XH@0d LȰ``HH00dLؘȀ`H0xp`XH@d0L `H0d`LH`H0|pdXL@0`$H`dHL00`HذȘdL0xp`XH@0` HdH0ȳ``HHdL0xp`XH@`0H Ը̰ĠऀؘpȈXxHp@h@d8`8X0xT0pH dxddxd`d`p`|``x`p``x`!, H*\ȰÇ#JHŋ3jȱǏ CIɓ(S\ɲ˗0cʜI͛8sɳϟ@ JѣH*]ʴӧPJJ՗*@+׫D*vlٱfz%KͶlnڵn˷߿ LÈ+^qVh΍5-Zrݲx58e Ta}t:Ҫ`#Ua0`92TRHŽ` 9wfo?$?%IZ9Zz f0^˭-H>blGFTDȘ0Vv6C8O^JRꝤ#G uC&f{0܋-II+Ga6_[Dmt7$ dU:nXx/h HWP Document FileuPDO pKmXXXIkGBQ2\Qd&M*Z:3G1>$(Ygzk}.ΐʿ'\!5K)"iO[5cd߈ each other in marriage? % Yes, I have. % Yes, I have. p& Will you love and honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives? % Yes, I will. % Yes, I will. p& Will you accept children lovingly from God, and bring them up according to the laW]$W33ɎF$J*j6KwgfwWgݞtOzp1Ȃ" !&ỸO"FBxs[U]U'vS]]UwNj~cL+1sT4+._ҧHߕVL̪ LǬ9S3[mҹAg̩Rç8]ʄ18Ώ3&w9[u66f*}9/o|^3Cx#cdYtB'9?[g;.-|Vu;?I>׭ۻ>[ic 8#Oݴ>Toau;9l<$+Et)N56+]5_o57^Ϭs$9~+_ވk}7x}n򻫼wl=5"xMIC._G#4 ' 738Lߠ<N<T?ɷlaă61ؠ1G8J02On=!,[s2eN3Ns<'`2s mNUƇJ M(Ա}*f ~_H)\1ecN_g9?[Ԭ5Dv{ }U:X~'ӕ9Tt8]JZХEm2˹_տEAn3 _dH]Dɰzv5Zt&30U^z8d1D&~*$ލ{*|;KU̢=T,ӚAԌuE$]^7h'kpVAa_\OFWCt$a}&ɫ%i++Sqhy8-q鍄?EvI o1'X#D=gm+V~@sE13N<[=|RЇCY-|?\]hoeeɸi|g/# ^,lpT;T'g4ͯ?pn$)F:8L)4R2G2(S < Ba$(A&`F:No[2[/zwY<